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Automation for

Injection Molding

Automation's Role in Custom Injection Molding 


Crescent Industries is committed to offering the highest-quality and most efficient injection molding processes. We extensively use in-house injection molding automation to support our capabilities and provide optimal service. This ensures maximum quality and repeatability while reducing production time, improving efficiency, and keeping costs reasonable.

Injection Molding Automation: How Crescent Does It!

In this section, we’ll take a more detailed look at three unique aspects of incorporating automation and robotics in our plastic injection molding processes.
  • End-of-arm tooling (EOAT)

    End-of-arm tooling allows robots to pick and place materials and products in a wide range of shapes and sizes, and to complete tasks such as assembly, packaging, pad printing, and more.

  • Collaborative robots

    Collaborative robots, also called cobots, are found more and more frequently in our injection molding processes, especially for lower volumes and custom applications. Collaborative robots are built to work safely within close proximity with humans, assisting in tasks such as heavy lifting and loading, finely detailed assembly, and more.
  • Automated work cells

    Automated work cells foster efficiency and produce upscale benefits by integrating various tasks or processes into one work area. With the benefit of interchangeable end-of-arm tooling, robotics to carry out a number of tasks to reduce overhead and costs. Watch this automated assembly work cell created by our in-house automation team. 

Benefits of Injection Molding Automation

Automation creates several benefits throughout all stages of the injection molding process. These benefits are passed on to you in the form of increased quality, reduced cost, and shorter lead times.

Reduce Part Rejects

Injection molding automation offers repeatability and consistency throughout the process. These tools fulfill or augment the repetitive, high-volume tasks that must be completed with 100% accuracy every time in order to maintain quality, therefore reducing part rejects.

Reduce Labor For Injection Molding

Labor is one of the highest costs of any injection molding process. Our integrated automation tools and robots reduce those costs by fulfilling the most repetitive or difficult, yet still critical tasks, directing labor resources elsewhere in the process to maximize value.

Increase Injection Molding Throughput

Injection molding robots can be used in nearly every step of the production cycle, not just in the molding process itself. By incorporating automation in upstream and downstream processes; we are able to reduce handling time and provide the premium injection molding service you expect.

Reduce Overall Costs While Maintaining Quality

At Crescent Industries, we are dedicated to offering injection molded products and services of unparalleled quality while maintaining reasonable costs. Automation is one tool that we use to facilitate this goal and through our mutual partnership we are able to share cost saving benefits with our customers.


Check out our case study on how we revolutionized the molding process for diagnostic plates with our automated manufacturing solution. Trust us; you won't be disappointed!

Why Choose Crescent?

Discover the countless benefits of partnering with us for all your injection molding manufacturing needs and let us show you why we are the perfect match for your business.

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